Case Study

Modernized Logistics Platform provides a 257% improvement


The client was being acquired by a large global transportationasset management company. They were tasked with drastically scaling theirdelivery offering to ultimately accept multiple million-unit portfolios.

Multi-Million$ Transportation Company Increases Vehicles Moved by 257% Per Year with a Modern Logistics Platform

The client needed to:

  • Update their legacy system into an effective digital business environment
  • Maintain their currentservices during the logistics platform upgrade


The client partnered with Neudesic who fully implemented an integrated platform that streamlinedprocesses, enhanced transactions, and integrated tailored applications thatadded real-time value within the system including:

  • Automating data to generateindependent micro-services, such as marking vehicles as received
  • Modernizing all processesto complete the eight-step vehicle shipping process


Neudesic digitally revolutionized their legacy platform to facilitategrowth. The client was able to streamline their process and operationsaccomplishing the following:

  • 257% increase in vehicles moved per year
  • Reduce vehicle assessment from multiple days to 30 seconds per transaction
  • Provide real-time reporting to clients versus generating reports every 2 weeks

Case Studies

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