Case Study

Streamlining Contactless Hotel Check-In: A Design Thinking Workshop

The COVID-19 pandemic reshaped the hospitality industry, making guest safety a top priority. One solution that emerged was contactless check-in, designed to reduce physical interactions while maintaining service quality. This article outlines how a Design Thinking workshop helped envision and create a contactless check-in process for Choice Hotels.

Defining the Vision

The workshop began with aligning stakeholders on a shared vision for the new check-in process. Representatives from key departments collaborated to identify challenges and opportunities. Through stakeholder interviews and discussions, a clear vision emerged: a secure, user-friendly, and efficient contactless check-in experience.

Contactless check-in vision experience diagramdetailing the differentiate experience.

Analyzing Risks and Mapping the Current Process

The team mapped out the risks in the existing check-in process, identifying areas where contact was unavoidable. By breaking down each step, from guest arrival to key issuance, specific pain points were highlighted, setting the stage for targeted improvements.

Reducing Contact Points

In the ideation phase, the team brainstormed solutions to minimize contact, such as mobile check-in, digital key issuance, and pre-arrival check-ins. These ideas were prioritized using an impact-effort matrix, focusing on feasibility and guest safety.

Core, Elevate, and Differentiate: Defining the MVP

The workshop introduced the Core, Elevate, and Differentiate framework to prioritize features for the Minimum Viable Product (MVP):

  • Core: Essential elements like secure, efficient check-in.
  • Elevate: Enhancements like personalized greetings.
  • Differentiate: Unique features that set Choice Hotels apart, such as digital concierge services.

This framework ensured a focused approach to delivering a strong MVP.

Contactless hotel check-in vision diagram detailing the Core Experience.

Contactless check-in vision experience diagram detailing the elevate experience.

Contactless check-in vision experience diagramdetailing the differentiate experience.

Prototyping and Testing

Low-fidelity prototypes were developed to visualize the reimagined check-in process. Feedback loops refined these prototypes, leading to a high-fidelity solution ready for pilot testing.


The Design Thinking workshop successfully aligned stakeholders, identified risks, and developed a practical, guest-centric contactless check-in process for Choice Hotels. The approach not only addressed immediate needs but also positioned the brand for future innovations.

Case Studies

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